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Hansjoerg Goeritz


School of Architecture

Hansjoerg Goeritz is a German-American practicing architect, designer, professor, and author associated with pure and minimalist architecture that emphasizes essentials of place, space, light and material. He was trained as a mason, as an autodidact, through traveling, and educated at the AA School London. Since 1986 he is founder and principal of Hansjörg Göritz Studio GbR, an association with representations in Germany and the US. For his early works he received one of the most prestigious architecture awards in Germany in 1996, the Baukunst award to the Kunstpreis Berlin from the Academy of Arts, Berlin. Working across scales, among others his Hannover Expo 2000 metro rail station was an exhibit at the 1996 Venice Biennale, and he build the Principality of Liechtenstein’s capitol forum, gardens, and assembly, awarded with the 2010 international Brick award. An educator since 1995, and since 2007 a professor and a 2012 Prometheus medalist at the University of Tennessee, he has widely taught, lectured, critiqued and exhibited, including at Mendrisio, Trondheim, Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Zurich, New York, Auburn, and Yale. In 2013 he was recognized as an Affiliated Fellow to the American Academy in Rome. The Bauhaus University Weimar invited him as a 2015 international featured presenter on architecture and education. He teaches what he practices, and he practices what he teaches.


  • Post-Graduate Studies, AA School, London, UK, 1984/1985
  • Diplom-Ingenieur Architektur, HAWK Hildesheim, Germany, 1984
  • Mason Diploma, Innung des Bauhandwerks Niedersachsen [Guild], Hannover, Germany, 1980


  • AKN, Architektenkammer Niedersachsen License [Lower-Saxony Chamber of Architects]
  • FL, Fürstentum Liechtenstein License [Principality of Liechtenstein]
  • BDA/aoM, Bund Deutscher Architekten/extraordinary member [German Assoc of Architects]
  • DWB, Deutscher Werkbund [German Association of Fine Works]
  • Intl Assoc AIA, International Associate of the American Institute of Architects
  • AFAAR, Affiliated Fellow of the American Academy in Rome


Since its founding in 1986 the body of work of the Hansjörg Göritz Studio GbR focuses on the making of essential cultural contributions, off business as usual. All major recognized work results from the European model of professional competitions to anonymously stepping forward with contributions is most relevant to produce cultural markers. This successful practice employs the entire spectrum of design tasks across all scales. Logical byproducts from designing and building, these markers are also practical researching, testing, and expanding construction methods, as much as critiquing politics, business, design, architecture, architects, and architecture education. Over thirty years these works and discourses established a professional notoriety, and a recognized approach to essential place-making and space-making materialized to purpose continues to be valid in the wake of constant superficial change, evidenced by continuous national and international invitations to lecture, exhibit, and publish.

Courses Taught

  • Study Abroad Program Grand Tours across Central Europe and to Sweden
  • Design VII Diploma ARC 499/599 Undergraduate/Graduate Vertical Studio _New Rural Americana Deal
  • Design Implementation I+II ARC 235/236 Undergraduate Lectures/Lab _Building Technology
  • Design Integration ARC 471 Undergraduate Studio _Car Brand Experience Center Fall 2016
  • Integration Systems ARC 431 Undergraduate Lectures/Lab _Co-Requisite
  • Design Synthesis ARC 372 Undergraduate Studio _A New Farnsworth Visitor Experience Spring 2016

Expertise & Interests

  • Design in Context
  • Essential Design
  • Design and Making

Honors & Awards

  • American Academy in Rome Affiliated Fellow 2013 – University of Tennessee research on the 1953 Academy Residency of Louis I Kahn and on Timeless Brick Masses in the Eternal City
  • Karosta Cultural Center Latvia 2013 – Finalist –International Design Competition
  • Prometheus Leadership Medalist 2012 – Named Prometheus Leader for contributions to improve education through an interdisciplinary approach to leadership, learning and service, awarded by the University of Tennessee, Governor’s Center for Educational Leadership. Co-recipients are Sarah Gardial, Joe Johnson, Pat Summitt, William Bass
  • Building of The Year 2011 – Nomination – ArchDaily international award nomination for the Principality of Liechtenstein Parliament
  • Auszeichnung Gutes Bauen 2006 – 2010 – Fine Architecture Distinction by Architektur Forum Ostschweiz, Switzerland for Principality of Liechtenstein Government District
  • Scholar of the Week 2011 + 2010 – University of Tennessee – Quest Academic, highlighting merits of the solo exhibition Stones and Sketches – Hansjörg Göritz at Museum Wiesbaden, and merits of the International Brick Award 2010
  • International Brick Award 2010 – Prime Award for Principality of Liechtenstein Forum Gardens and Assembly

Unfolding its potentials off mainstream, the UT School of Architecture is one of the finest places to thoroughly study architecture as a discipline in both design and implementation. Vibrant from a diversity of strong recognized backgrounds, its faculty inspires excellence and professionalism by example, providing graduates with the best opportunities in the profession

Hansjoerg Goeritz