July 7, 2014 Space-making with the Chattanooga Transportation Department! Unique opportunity for designers!!
The new Transportation Department in Chattanooga is interested in expanding design functions both within our department and also to broader design fields, such as architecture, landscape architecture, graphic design, as well as engineering. We see Transportation networks as fundamentally about space making as much as functional mobility. As an example, our new Design/Engineering structure includes a Landscape Architect at the helm of a 4-5 person studio that sets the parameters for good place-making for all of our capital projects. This new structure is in its 7 month and it has proven successful, such that we are hiring a new Designer in the next month or so!!
The position would benefit from a more creative, public-space-making, mentality. We are expanding our neighborhood traffic management program to include a broader toolkit of solutions for neighborhoods.
We are seeking recent graduates who may be interested in a broader than conventional career in architecture.
(Also, stay tuned for a Transportation Designer position and Public Space Coordinator position also opening soon!)