COVID-19 A+A Woodshop Access Procedures

College of Architecture and Design Fabrication Facilities

Phase 2 Research Access Procedures

In accordance with UT phase 2 guidelines the following document will be used as a policy for access to UT CoAD Fabrication facilities. These will remain in effect until further notice.
During Phase 2, access to the A+A woodshop will be possible for CoAD and SoA Faculty, Research Assistants (working on faculty research), Teaching Assistants (assigned course needs, not personal) and staff.
All student access, research and project needs will continue to be completed using remote file submission, zoom chats and contactless pickup of completed project/s.
No tours or visitors during Phase 2, without UTK administration approval AND approval from Fabrication Director.
Any such request will require planning and multiple business days for approval (no drop-in).
The Woodshop is not to be considered a quiet ‘work area’, all tasks that can be completed at an alternate location need to be.

Access procedure

All access will be scheduled, all access requests are to be made via email to the Woodshop Supervisor (, and a response will be returned (approval, reschedule or other) in timely manner.
Appointment confirmation can take a minimum of 2 hours (where possible), however it is recommended that requests be made minimum of 1 day in advance.
Appointments can be scheduled up to 2 weeks in advance.
All approved appointments will be logged and maintained as we have implemented necessary facility user limits.

Access will not be possible without appointment confirmation, any request for entry without an appointment will be denied and entry not possible.
This allows the facility to maintain social distancing and to allow for staff to ensure the facility can remain a safe effective woodshop for all (also ensure staff presence).
There will be no possibility for ‘drop-in users’.

Lab User Limits

(Facility staff/supervisors not included in these numbers)

– 8 users total
– Specific Area limits- Equipment-4 users; Assembly areas- 2 users; Laser cutting- 2 Users.

Requests are not expected to exceed user limits on a regular basis (if at all), scheduling will allow negotiation for available times and for communication dialogue to exist.
If scheduling issues arise, heads of colleges/school directors will have the authority to designate priority of access (user limits will not increase).
However it is predicated that access can be scheduled in such a way that all potential users can be given sufficient access.

Cleaning/ Personal Safety

Each time (daily), before commuting to the Building potential users and all users are to check personal body temperature and to complete the Daily Health Screen tool provided by UT.
Upon arriving at location, before entry all persons will be required to wear an appropriate facemask (user provided, however acquisition requests can be made through the woodshop).
Upon entry, all persons will immediately wash hands (using CDC guidelines). (Although doors will remain locked, staff will be available at all scheduled appointments to provide access).
Throughout the entire time present, even while utilizing Facemasks all persons will maintain social distancing (min of 6 feet apart), wash hands regularly and use hand sanitizer (in addition to washing).
Face masks are to remain on in all common areas (all areas except private offices).
It is recommended to wash hands before departure, face masks can be removed (if desired) after exiting the building.

Common Equipment and PPE

Users are responsible for cleaning all tools, equipment and the work environment used during their appointment time within the woodshop. Spray cleaning solution and paper towel will be provided to complete this task. All tools and equipment are to be cleaned before departure of that particular work area. Where possible users will be assigned a designated work area for that singular scheduled appointment. Work areas will not be assigned ‘long term’. Work areas are to be cleaned before departure from that location. In cases of multiple session use, cleaning practices are required to be completed each and every time.

PPE for woodshop safety is still required, the use of shared PPE is strongly ill-advised, users are recommended to bring their own safety glasses. Any PPE supplied by the woodshop will be cleaned after each use, any used PPE will need to be placed in ‘to be cleaned’ container and not put back for future use.

All standing access woodshop polices will remain in effect concurrently with Phase 2.


Contact: Jeremy Hammond, A+A woodshop Supervisor,, 865-974-3244.