April 18, 2017 College Hosts Craig Dykers in Public Lecture at Bijou April 29

Craig Dykers, a founding partner of Snøhetta, a Wall Street Journal 2016 Innovator and designer of the New York Times Square Reconstruction, will present a lecture on April 29 at the Bijou Theatre, 803 S. Gay Street. Hosted by the College of Architecture and Design, the lecture is sponsored by General Shale and is free and open to the public. It begins at 2 p.m., and doors open at 1 p.m.
Dykers will present “Habitat: Large and Small,” an unhinged look at the created world.
“We have an inherent hunger that goes well beyond the need for food and shelter,” Dykers said. “In many ways, life is synonymous with place, and so we show a constant tendency throughout life to create place and identity. Through Snøhetta’s work with landscape, architecture and identity design, we evaluate the often unseen parameters of intentions.”
Dykers’ interest in design as a promoter of social and physical well being is supported by ongoing observation and development of an innovative and sustainable design process. He most recently led design of the new Times Square as well as the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art expansion. He also is responsible for the design of the Alexandria Library in Egypt, Norwegian National Opera and Ballet in Oslo and the National September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion in New York.
Dykers’ work has led to numerous international awards and recognitions including the Mies van der Rohe European Union Prize for Architecture, the World Architecture Award, and the Aga Kahn Award for Architecture, among others. He has lectured extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas and is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Manufacturers.
For 43 years, the UT College of Architecture and Design has hosted leading architects and design professionals through its Robert B. Church Memorial Lecture Series and more recently the Governor’s Chair Lecture Series and General Shale Lectures to enrich the education of its students and elevate the profession in the community. In 2016-2017, more than a dozen professionals from around the world will lecture at the college. For the full list, visit archdesign.utk.edu/church-lecture-series.