June 28, 2016 Design/Build Program Named in Top 7
The College of Architecture and Design’s design/build program recently was named one of the Top 7 in the country by Study Architecture, a program of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. The organization specifically identified the Beardsley Farm education center as an example of the success of the college’s program. Joining UT in the Top 7 include Auburn University, University of Kansas, University of Utah, Virginia Tech, Yale University and Parsons School of Design.
For 40 years, the College of Architecture and Design’s design/build program has offered students experience-learning opportunities. Starting in 1976 when faculty member Gorden Mertz led students to build three solar houses, the design/build program challenges students to design and build real-world solutions for the public good. Recent examples of innovative design/build projects include the Beardsley Farm education center and educational and medical facilities in Haiti. Nationally award-winning projects include a water kiosk for families in Kentucky, A New Norris House, Living Light Solar House and an additive manufacturing integrated energy (AMIE) structure through the Governor’s Chair for Energy + Urbanism.

The Beardsley Farm education center was designed and built by students led by Prof. Jennifer Akerman and Prof. Bob French. The architecture of the center was designed to enhance the farm’s mission of engaging the community by creating a meaningful public space for the benefit of local residents, volunteers and farm staff. The center creates a new front door for the farm by providing a classroom, office space and restrooms. The students also designed and are completing an amphitheater with an outdoor classroom.
According to its website, Study Architecture is a one-stop resource for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in the architecture profession. Sponsored by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Study Architecture brings together colleges and universities, students and working architecture professionals to create a forum for sharing information and ideas.