
November 18, 2014 Faculty Senate Reports | October and November 2014

OCTOBER | Submitted by Gregor Kalas + Diane Fox

Margie Nichols announced the branding campaign that asserts that a version of the Power T will replace what they call the “Wing UT” (the T having a resemblance to the state shape) as the symbol of the UTK campus as opposed to the system as a whole.

Candace White reported from the meeting of the University Faculty Council. She described the potential of a consultant being hired to conduct what is called “Strategic Academic Portfolio Analysis.” This was described as an academic program review in anticipation of “strategic” cuts.  The consultants will furnish baseline data about specific academic programs.

Jenny Richter presented the interim policy on sexual misconduct and relationship violence.

The interim policy takes into account the policies that are already in place.

Each member of the faculty is considered a “responsible employee,” which specifically necessitates that reports of stalking, sexual misconduct, and relationship violence have to be made to Title IX coordinator.

There is no confidentiality once a report of sexual misconduct has been made; no member of the faculty should promise confidentaility.  The university and the “responsible employees” are under an obligation to report all pertinent activities.

Reports should be made to the Title IX coordinators who are Jenny Richter (Equity and Diversity), Ashley Blaney (Center for Health and Wellness), and Mike Ward (Athletics).  One can also report to a superviser or to 974-HELP.

One could suggest that a student call the Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee at 865-522-7273.  But once a student has informed a “responsible employee” of sexual misconduct, it must be reported and there is no confidentiality.

Graduate Students working as GTAs are “responsible employees” and also must report sexual misconduct.


Updated Classroom Search Database­

They are adding new information to the classroom search site so that people know as much as possible about the rooms. Faculty are asked to look it over and send suggestions about anything that is missing.



NOVEMBER | Submitted by Hansjoerg Goeritz

Fellow Faculty

As College Caucus Chair I like to highlight a few topics from the most recent meeting:

Chancellor Jimmy Cheeks’s report about Journey to the Top 25 [numbers since 2008]:

1_ 12% student enrollment increase

2_ 4% retention increase 1st to 2nd year appears most difficult

3_ 68 Mill $ increase research grow

4_ 1 Bill $ constructions spending, with only two buildings with state money

5_ 81% increase result from funding activities, a strongly alumni based engagement

6_ Average faculty salary increase, which means UT less behind other universities

7_ Good media – e g this year’s biggest freshmen class in decades

8_ Momentum – a caring inspiring, engaging, challenge, advising, mentoring professor

     may be key in how graduates thrives

We move in strong, positive direction, with significant progress, but still a long way to go.


Provost Susan Martin’s report:

_ Campus-wide gathering and studying progress, and feedback for recalibration

   of goals and matrix by task force.

_ Task force first recommendation for single, centralized scheduling of all academic

   campus spaces [not nessecarily nationalizing spaces].

_ Policies on use of campus spaces will be revisited, incl maintaining and updating.


ADA-accessible restrooms are not generic throughout campus. To be diversity inclusive.

gender neutral – family style – restrooms will be increasingly executed on campus.


Quality Enhancement Plan [aiming at UT accreditation] and Experiential Learning.

_ Campus-wide involvement for campus-wide impact [i e Ready For the World].

_ Started 2012, from a broad scope from activities that include Service Learning,

   Field Work, Practicum, etc

_ increases knowledge, skills, and retention, opportunities strengthen students

   participation in community involvement, fully funded, for three initiatives:

  1. Smart Community Initiative SCI
  2. Faculty Development Program  [workshops, presentations, fellows, leader, mentoring, consultation]
  3. Faculty-Staff-Student Support Initiatives

_ Links to Vol Vision Strategic Plan

_ Includes reflection in cyclic learning experience, and an assessment plan

_ SACS on-site visit: March 31 – April 2015

As there was no quorum there were no votes. I will be following up with a detailed report

on faculty Senate President Joanne Hall’s report, and reports from the faculty sub committees.


