February 19, 2014 Lecture: Braddock, Creative Director for Charles M. Schultz
Note: This story first appeared on the School of Art’s website.
Cartoonist, Illustrator, Graphic Novelist, Creative Director at Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates
Paige is a 1985 alumna of the School of Art and a 2014 recipient of the University of Tennessee Accomplished Alumna Award.
LECTURE: A Conversation with Paige Braddock
Thursday February 27 • 7:30pm • Room 109 Art + Architecture Building
Reception immediately afterwards on the 3rd floor

Paige Braddock knew at the age of 7 that she wanted to be a cartoonist. Early in her career she worked as an illustrator for several newspapers, including The Chicago Tribune and The Atlanta Constitution. She launched her own publishing company, Girl Twirl Comics, in 2001 to make Jane’s World available in comic shops and bookstores. In 2006, Paige received an Eisner Award nomination for best humor book. Now distributed by Universal Press Syndicate, daily installments of “Jane’s World” appear on GoComics <http://www.gocomics.com/> website. There are currently 10 volumes of “Jane’s World” in print. Additional work includes the science fiction graphic novel series, The Martian Confederacy, with writer Jason McNamara and a new graphic novel to be published in 2016 from Andrews McMeel Publishing entitled “Stinky Cecil,” a book for kids with a toad as a main character.
By day Paige is the Creative Director at Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates having worked with Schulz over the last 6 months of his life and being asked by his family to assume this position upon his death. In this role, she is charged with overseeing the visual and editorial direction for all Schulz licensed products worldwide. She has illustrated several Peanuts-themed children’s books, including a pop-up book released by Simon and Schuster, and several books featuring the Peanuts characters published by Running Press.