Fab Lab: User Information

For Students, Faculty, Staff:

Hours, Calendar, Policies, Equipment


Fab Lab Hours

The Fab Lab is host to numerous workshops, lectures and orientations. See the calendar of activities, noting that during events, access could be restricted.

Upper Level (Studios):

Up to three studios meet in the front space. Access to the studio space is available during semester to CoAD members assigned to this space between 8:30am and 1am, 7 day/week.

Upper Level (Woodshop & Rapid Prototyping Area):

Due to the popularity of this space and the scheduled events that occur throughout the semester, please check the calendar posted above for Fab Lab accessibility.

Lower Level (Metal & Plastic Shops):

These areas are available Monday-Friday (upon satffing availability) . Due to supervision and training requirements of this space, an appointment is recomended to ensure access is possible at your desired time.

Contact: Craig Gillam, Fabrication Director, cgillam1@utk.edu, 865-974-3954.

Fab Lab User Access Policy

Interested in using the Fab Lab? Please ensure your intended use is within the Fab Lab policy.

Check the Fab Lab Policy

All equipment is for use by current College of Architecture and Design Faculty or students. Requests from other UT departments or external requested, please use- UTK DFS


See the full listing of available equipment, UT Fab Lab Equipment, which includes these digital capabilities:


Materials/Supplies + External Services

Fab Lab users are responsible for supplying their own materials for the majority of tasks. For small tasks, however, we might have surplus materials available for use; please ask.

Within Knoxville and surrounding areas, we are fortunate to have suppliers for most of the necessary items. This list will help you locate the relevant supplies for your needs. If you plan to have materials delivered, you must comply with the Fab Lab Materials Delivery Policy. Failure to follow the policy will result in refusal to accept materials.

Fab Lab Personnel

The Fab Lab is staffed by a team of expert fabricators, each with their own diverse skillsets to provide users a safe, effective lab experience. The Fab Lab is lead by Fabrication Director  Craig Gillam .  A dozen trained student workers are on hand, as well, to help students and faculty use the technology correctly and safely.