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Andrew Madl

Assistant Professor

School of Landscape Architecture

Andrew Madl is a teacher and designer. He holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from Harvard and a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from the Pennsylvania State University. His work focuses on the exploration and registration of computation/advanced digital technologies in the landscape. He has recently published the book Parametric Design for Landscape Architects: Computational Techniques and Workflows.

Technological advancement defines and dictates the world. It leads to new cultural norms, objects, organizations, and theories. The means in which these respondent entities are spatialized embodies the consequences of the technological provocation. Landscape registers and acknowledges these responses through the various systems it interacts with. Cultural uses, economic values, land uses, and infrastructures are all landscape performances that are altered through technological moments. Such alterations occur at various scales of the landscape, but collectively have the ability to dictate a territory. My research seeks to expose landscape consequences through schemas at the confluence of and in response to monumental technological advancements. Previous and current novel technologies, ranging from the nuclear bomb to artificial intelligence, are explored as a way of speculating on future landscape conditions from past outcomes. The research utilizes advanced digital technologies through scripting, coding, and simulating landscape scenarios that are the result of technological inception. Output scenarios navigate borders of pragmatism and fiction as a means to legitimize the speculations. The direct uses and applications of computational workflows provide a way to push back and become critical of technology in influencing and characterizing landscape.

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